SØRLANDET har anløpt St. Martin
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SØRLANDET har anløpt St. Martin

Sørlandet har anløpt Marigot på St. Martin etter en kort seilas fra Bridgetown, Barbados. I gjennomsnitt hadde skuta en hastighet på 6 knop og noen perioder med 10 knop.

De såkalte Trade winds gav optimale forhold. 97% av tiden var skuta for seil. Det innebærer at hovedmotor i all hovedsak ble brukt ifm avgang fra og anløp til kai. Les mer om A+ World Academy sitt besøk nedenfor.

Dear A+ Friends and Families,

This morning, we had some special visitors to our ship from the Caribbean International Academy (CIA). Their 11th and 12th graders were able to come for a tour and spend some time getting to know our students. After lunch, we all traveled to their school where we had two student groups give presentations to the CIA World Cultures class about the different cultures they have interacted and learned about so far this year. Dina, Elie, Erlend, and Tessa gave a presentation about the maritime culture they have experienced and become part of, and Lena, Emma B., and Maria M. gave a presentation on the various cultures they have experienced around the world. After their presentations, science students had labs, while everyone else used the school internet to work on academic work. If their work was completed, students had the option of playing basketball with some of the CIA students. We owe a big thanks to the Caribbean International Academy for their graciousness in hosting us.

A shout out should also go out to Watch 3 who did an amazing job helping with the Open Ship and reception yesterday for the Caribbean Sail Association. They worked incredibly hard and were great representatives of our school. We had almost 700 visitors during the Open Ship, with the highlight of two young boys dressed as pirates coming to pay us a visit. One immediately wanted to climb up Monkey Island and wave his play cutlass at the sailors now under his command.

We also had two high school students join us this port for the sail to New York. Claudia is from Puerto Rico and is an avid sailor, and Cécilia is from St. Martin and is eager to learn all about tall ship sailing. Both new students have been paired with a buddy to help them with their transition to life at sea. We are happy to have them onboard and part of our A+ community.

For you information, the students will be having shore leave tomorrow and then we will depart for Jamaica on the 12th. The dates for Ocho Rios have shifted forward and we will now be there from 18-25 February. I will be sending out a port plan for Ocho Rios in the next A+ Update, and as always, please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or questions.

Thank you so much for your continued support!

Best Wishes,

Emily J. Waugh
Dean of School
A+ World Academy

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